Edoardo Odorico
I’ve learned to use a computer even before I knew how to read. I’ve always had the conviction that it’s more amazing to know how something works instead of just watching it working. That’s why I was always disassembling everything. I was really lucky because my grandfather and my father were really handy men, which helped me a lot developing touch sensibility and logic mind.
I’ve written my first qbasic script in middle school. In high school I’ve felt the need of more control over my computer, so I’ve installed Linux (Mandrake), which took almost a week to get the wireless card (11Mbps) to work. In university I’ve met other interesting and really smart geeks at LILiK (@sciamp, @cosimoc, @tommyblue …), the open source laboratory managed by students of Engineer University. Since then I’ve grown a lot, listening, watching, experimenting and making things explode, some times…
Lorenzo Farnararo
This is Baldarn speaking.
This nickname came from my beloved character of D&D, a neutral-evil mage that casted FireBall every time he wanted. My passion for technology started when I was three and I started to play Nintendo with my two older brothers. Now I’m a computer engineer that loves to experiment everything is new and study what is old and still useful. The field I like most is security and project managing, looking for the best solution considering costs. I also love music and play piano since I was eight, composing when the inspiration strikes me. I love science fiction movies and novels: three books that summarizes me the Foundation series, Shantaram and the Dune series. Other passions that moves my spirit are psychology an sociology. My model is Leonardo Da Vinci, worldwide symbol of genius.