Developing a website in wordpress for a client I was integrating a layout with multiple videos. Since it was an horizontal layout and I hadn’t written anything so fluid in that wide way, I was encountering some problems. If that was not enough, at one point all videos suddenly disappeared like in the picture above.
After messing up with css for about an hour (you know, floating divs are kind of unpredictable), and spent another hour yelling at wordpress wp_oembed_get() I’ve found the problem was not the css, neither the poor boy wordpress, but my ip. Yeah, my ip…
It happens that if you refresh so much times the page, actually you are requesting the same iframe too many times, and at one point it will suddendly stop to work (actually it will not serve you the iframe anymore). Great. I can clearly remember having read it somewhere, said no one ever.
Here it’s how appeared after resetting the ip on my router:
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